Subject: Appletalk seems broken in 1.6
To: None <>
From: Olaf Seibert <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/28/2002 23:43:37
I just installed 1.6 on my Alpha, and I have some observations. 

It seems that Appletalk is broken. When starting netatalk I get various
errors about not being able to install routes. Indeed, netstat -r shows
none, where it used to show some of them before. The machine also does
not show up anymore in the chooser. (I can apparently connect to it by
specifying its IP address but something is broken anyway).

I think I am using netatalk-asun, not as a pkg - I'm not even entirely
sure because there were 2 different versions, I installed both, and both
of them were were having their own quirks.

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert - rhialto@       -- Woe betide the one who feels
\X/  -- remorse without sin - Tom Poes, "Het boze oog", 4444.