Subject: None
To: None <>
From: Gary Thorpe <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/02/2002 22:53:53
--- Martin Husemann <> wrote:
> > It seems like a one line change that messes up the
> > build. I am using this compiler version (1.5.2's):
> > You are supposed to use /usr/src/, see the
> -t option.
> After building the proper toolchain, use nbmake in
> the tools directory
> instead of "make" to build the kernel.
> > Further details can be found in /usr/src/UPDATING.
> > Martin

I *AM* using nbmake in
Additionally, I built config using the 1.6-current
source and used it to get the build tree.

The problem is that the ASSEMBLER cannot compile 
invalid x86 assembly specified an asm statement in the
C (the problem seems to stem from an extra astericks).
My question is: is the assembly valid (their is
something wrong with the assembler I am using) OR is
the assembly invalid (typo in the code)?

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