Subject: Re: New target in Makefile? build-kernel ?
To: Rasputin <>
From: Erik Anggard <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/09/2002 14:07:12
Rasputin wrote:

>>Yes, it does look a lot like FreeBSD so if this is to be added why not 
>>use the same naming as FreeBSD so that people that use both won't get 
>>confused? FreeBSD uses this naming:
>>  make buildkernel KERNCONF=MYCONF
>>  make installkernel KERNCONF=MYCONF
>>(And if KERNCONF is not specified GENERIC will be used.)
>Yes, but the 
>config SOnSO
>cd ../compile/SonSO
>make depend && make
>process is common to all BSDs, isn't it? FreeBSd still supports that
>(or did last time I used it), so I don't see a compatibility problem
>Not to say it shouldn't be done, but I'm not sure there's a need....
Yes, I always use the "old" method when I compile kernels on my 
FreeBSD-machines, others might prefer the "new" method. So I'm neither 
for nor against adding this to NetBSD. I only wanted to point out that 
if we add it we might as well use the same naming as FreeBSD.
