Subject: Re: Strange network performance problem with -current and 1.6_BETA1
To: Markus W Kilbinger <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/11/2002 22:21:46
On Tue, Jun 11, 2002 at 01:04:35AM +0200, Markus W Kilbinger wrote:
> >>>>> "Andrew" == Andrew Gillham <> writes:
>     Andrew>
> >>>>> "Manuel" == Manuel Bouyer <> writes:
>     >> From sysctl(2)
>     Manuel>              tcp.cwm
>     Manuel>                      Returns 1 if use of the
>     Manuel>                      Hughes/Touch/Heidemann Congestion
>     Manuel>                      Window Monitoring algorithm is
>     Manuel>                      enabled. [...]
>     >> I didn't change anything in my config relating
>     >> this... So it's a new default in 1.6*?
>     Manuel> Yes.
> Thanks for the details!
> But: Why is it so contra productive in my case, especially if nat
> connections are involved? It squeezes data transfer rates down to
> values where my users think it's completely broken! Or does it only
> work if _everybody_ is using it?

I'm not sure as I don't know exactly what this algorithm is, but maybe
it fails when some router on the path have too small buffer to hold a
burst (maybe your NAT, depending on the ethernet adapters it uses ?).

Maybe with some tcpdump on both sides of the NAT router a TCP expert could
understand what's happening ...

Manuel Bouyer <>