Subject: wiconfig ap_scan fix
To: None <>
From: Matt Doughty <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/03/2002 00:20:24
I didn't see this mentioned, and it isn't fixed in current from a couple
days ago. The wiconfig utility was incorrectly set to only scan up to
chan. 11 which excludes channels 12-14 (14 is default for Japan). I made
the minor change needed to correct the problem, and it seems to be working
correctly. The patch is below, I hope it is correct:

--- wiconfig.c.original Wed Apr  3 17:51:47 2002
+++ wiconfig.c  Wed Apr  3 17:52:13 2002
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
        wreq.wi_type = WI_RID_SCAN_APS;
        wreq.wi_len = 4;
        /* note chan. 1 is the least significant bit */
-       wreq.wi_val[0] = 0x7ff; /* 1 bit per channel, 1-11 */
+       wreq.wi_val[0] = 0x7fff;        /* 1 bit per channel, 1-14 */
        wreq.wi_val[1] = 3;             /* tx rate */
        /* write the request */

"Take away them collisions and the common channel and it's like Christianity 
 without Christ." -Jim Breen (speaking about "full-duplex" Ethernet)