Subject: Re: anoncvs
To: None <>
From: BOUWSMA Beery <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/08/2002 23:14:41
[replies sent directly to me may timeout and bounce, since I'm not
 online as often as I should be, but I'll check the list archives]

Moin, moin!
%s wrote on %.3s, %lld Sep 1993

> Is anoncvs back to normal now?  The reason I ask is that I just did a
> 'cvs update' and noticed that this file seems to have had been reset
> to its state as of a year ago.  At one point a newer version was being

Interesting.  This is a bit after the fact, but I haven't noticed a

This sounds a bit similar to what I've seen on a handful of files that
have had significant differences between the several mirror sites
offering `cvsup' access that I've been syncing my tree against.

Apart from the updates of the last hours or even several days that
haven't yet made it to some of the mirrors, I've seen a tug-of-war of
sorts where deltas that are more than a year old get deleted, then
re-added, as I switch between mirror sites.

The mirror site that apparently has been using `sup' to obtain the
repository is the one missing these deltas from a year or so ago,
while the mirror sites using `rsync' add the deltas back.  Example:

 Edit basesrc/crypto/dist/heimdal/admin/srvconvert.c,v -> Attic
  Clear default branch
  Add tag netbsd-1-5-PATCH001 ->
  Add tag netbsd-1-5-PATCH002 ->
  Add delta 2001. he
  Add delta 1.2 2001. joda
 Edit basesrc/crypto/dist/heimdal/admin/srvcreate.c,v -> Attic
  Clear default branch
  Add tag netbsd-1-5-PATCH001 ->
  Add tag netbsd-1-5-PATCH002 ->
  Add delta 2001. he
  Add delta 1.2 2001. joda

This is just a casual observation; I haven't really researched this
to find a pattern or good reason behind it.

I don't know if the fact that this file is in the Attic makes a
difference as to why does not have the above
tags and deltas...

> handed out (with XTHREADS and WORD64 ifdefs).
>         xc/programs/Xserver/Xprint/Quarks.c,v

The copy I have of this has no `XTHREADS' anywhere; nor does that
in the XFree86 CVS repository I have.  They both have WORD64
173:#ifndef WORD64
and my copy has GMT+1 timestamp 10644 Aug 17 18:47:53 2001 and starts
head    1.1;
branch  1.1.1;

I don't know if this is different from what you see, and I see
no changes within over time...

There's another copy dated 10511 Aug 22 21:25:52 2001 in 
that also has no XTHREADS but a WORD64 #ifndef ...

I'm not quite sure what you had been seeing, or what you see
now, but it sounds different from the real lack of older deltas
that affect some of the mirror sites that I see, since the WORD64
#ifndef hasn't ever been missing from the files that I can see...
So I guess it's not related or similar at all.  Sorry...

(This tug-of-war on what should be old and established files
on the mirror sites, plus on some other supporting files and
collections, is one of my gripes about the present unofficial
`cvsup' mirror sites, that the mirrors themselves don't agree
on what they should have.  Apart from the recent `rsync'
problems, it appears to point to something wrong with the `sup'
way of updating the mirrors too.  But I'll hold off on this
rant until I have a chance to do a lot more research on which
mirror sites are missing what.)

barry bouwsma