Subject: Re: interactive sluggishness invades once again
To: Sean Davis <>
From: Chuck Silvers <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/12/2001 08:39:20
you have to rebuild sysctl using the new kernel headers to see the new options.
ideally would get out the list of available nodes from the kernel, but that's
unfortunately not how it works.


On Wed, Dec 12, 2001 at 05:02:31AM -0500, Sean Davis wrote:
> I've updated current a few times since you added your changes, and for some
> reason, those new sysctl's never showed up. I have them in my sysctl.conf,
> and every time I boot it tells me they're invalid, and I don't see the new
> names (execmin,execmax,etc) in sysctl -a, either. Am I doing something
> wrong?