Subject: Re: XF4 build breaks with userland of 11/6
To: Rafal Boni <>
From: Bang Jun-Young <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/08/2001 08:23:14
On Wed, Nov 07, 2001 at 10:46:22AM -0500, Rafal Boni wrote:
> Folks:
> 	I'm getting errors building XF4 from xsrc with a userland totally
> 	rebuilt on 11/6 from sources supped the morning of 11/6 (EST).
> 	This is all on x86, FWIW.
> 	It croaks making makefiles in xfree/xc/lib/GL (specifically in the
> 	GL subdirectory); it looks like make finds a GL/Makefile in the
> 	parent directory (xfree/xc/lib) and declares the target made; as
> 	a result no Makefile is actually made in .../lib/GL/GL
> 	Here's the snippet of output from the `make build' from the top
> 	level and output of `make -dA' in xfree/xc/lib/GL.  It looks like
> 	search paths are somehow getting confused, but I don't yet have
> 	any idea why....
> 	Any ideas appreciated... I'll try and look at this in more detail
> 	in a bit but figured I'd send it off here in case anyone else has
> 	seen it.

I'm seeing the same problem in another place:

cleaning in programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/mono/mono...
make: don't know how to make clean. Stop


Bang Jun-Young <>