Subject: Re: CVS commit: basesrc
To: None <,>
From: John Nemeth <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/24/2001 18:53:11
On Feb 3,  5:50pm, Todd Vierling wrote:
} Module Name:	basesrc
} Committed By:	tv
} Date:		Fri Oct 19 02:43:27 UTC 2001
} Removed Files:
} 	basesrc/lib/libc/arch/mips: :errfix
} 	basesrc/usr.bin/window: :tt :tty :var :ww
} Log Message:
} Remove files beginning with ":", which is invalid on other host OS's
} (particularly those made by Microsoft).  These ex/vi-macro files are not
} actually needed at this point, anyway....

     Umm, why do we care about primitive filesystems that have
rediculous restrictions on filenames?  I don't think that we should be
deleting/ renaming files (this was done in another commit) just so that
our source code can be loaded on a primitive system.  Why should NetBSD
have to suffer because of some other system's foolishness?

}-- End of excerpt from Todd Vierling