Subject: Re: Tracking 1.5.1?
To: None <>
From: Havard Eidnes <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/30/2001 15:02:00
> Well, I've been asking to use a -relesae for an important production
> server, so I insstalled 1.5.1.
> The problem is: how to track small pactches, security enhancements, e=
> - tracking mirror/1.5.1, but it is an export-only version, wil I miss=

>   some ssl/ssh/kerberos things?

Right before the release of 1.4.3 and 1.5, the US export regulations
changed, and since 1.5, the crypto code is fully integrated in the
release.  See

for any remaining export restrictions (note, there may be additional
"import" or "use" restrictions imposed locally).

Secondly, I sense some confusion creeping in here: the 1.5.1 release
is what it is, and as such it will not change.  Thus, there is nothing
to "track" in 1.5.1.  However, you probably mean "how do I track the
development on the branch which was used to produce 1.5.1, and which
will eventually become 1.5.2".

Secondly, I think I would recommend the use of CVS instead of sup to
get the source code.  With CVS it is ~trivial to track the netbsd-1-5
branch, which is the branch in our CVS repository used to produce the
point releases based on 1.5, such as 1.5.1 and (eventually) 1.5.2.

Using the CHANGES-1.5.2 file (which is tracking all files/changes done
since we cut the 1.5.1 release) to pick out which files which need
updating should be pretty straight-forward, avoiding the need to CVS
update the whole tree.

That said...

> - tracking mirror/1.5.1, but it is an export-only version, wil I miss=

>   some ssl/ssh/kerberos things?

That one is most probably going to give you the 1.5.1 release bits.

> - tracking release-1-5/allsrc, is it 1.5.1 source, or just "formal,
>   non patched" 1.5 release?

That one is most probably going to give you the netbsd-1-5 branch

> It is not very clear in README.sup, neither in "Tracking releases" pa=

Please see

as it may help clear up some of this.


- H=E5vard