Subject: Re: kern/12187: nfs_timer: ignoring error 55- what's it for and why does it whine so? (fwd)
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Rafal Boni <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/07/2001 21:28:46
In message <>, you write: 

-> This is an error number defined in sys/errno.h, e.g.:
-> rochebonne#/usr/src/1.5S/src/usr.bin/make>grep 55 /usr/include/sys/errno.h 
-> #define ENOBUFS         55              /* No buffer space available */
-> rochebonne#/usr/src/1.5S/src/usr.bin/make>grep 48 /usr/include/sys/errno.h
-> #define EADDRINUSE      48              /* Address already in use */

Thanks for the hint, Manuel, but that part I had actually figured out... The
part stumping me was: (1) why am I getting this, (2) why was it decided that
this was nonfatal when the error keeps coming back over and over again until
I reboot the box 8-)


Rafal Boni