Subject: Re: kern/12187: nfs_timer: ignoring error 55- what's it for and why does it whine so? (fwd)
To: None <>
From: Rafal Boni <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/07/2001 21:26:55
In message <>, you write

-> Oh, I could make a guess and do something about it, but I'd like the 
-> folks who nominally have been making NFS better to own this one.

Agreed.  I suppose if I hadn't had worse problems at the time (which were
of my own making 8-), I would have looked at where it came from and why I
got it, but I wasn't interested in solving it then and there.

My reply was mainly a <AOL>Me TOO!</AOL> with a different errno.


Rafal Boni