Subject: OpenFirmware 3 machines revisited
To: None <>
From: Xavier HUMBERT <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/04/2001 12:25:08
Well, for what I undestand, the main problem is that OF3 can't read the
bootloader from a ffs partition, so you must have a little MacOS
partition for that.

Actally my tries are at this point.

1- repartition the disk, with 10 MB for MacOS (60 if you want to add a
bootable MacOS + System Disk), leaving the rest unallocated.

2- Copy ofwboot.elf, boot.fs, netbsd.ram.gz on the mac partition.

3- Use SystemDisk to set
  boot-device = hd:,ofwboot.elf
  boot-file = hd:,boot.fs
  boot-command = boot
the save

4- reboot, you're in NetBSD Install Kernel.

At this point you cannot invoke sysinstall, because its default disktab
crushes the macos partion. Instead, invoke shell, then type disklabel -i

After that, it's a pain in the a** to manually partition, not to mention
installboot(8) for which I have not yet investigated.

That's where I'm pausing now to write this post ;-)

-----> So, it makes me ask two simple questions

- The best way to make OF3 machines easy to install should be to slightly
modify sysinstall, isnt't it ?

- If I can undestand installboot(8) and disktab(5), I'll volunteer to do
the job (I still reviewed sysinstall sources, it's easy), if it's not on
the way from another person.

Xavier HUMBERT  -  Systemes et Reseaux     |
INJEP                                      |