Subject: How do I get NetBSD-1.5 src with fixes?
To: None <>
From: Rob Healey <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/20/2000 00:24:37
Not a current question per say but knowledgeable people are
probably lurking here...
OK, I've get the stock NetBSD-1.5 release spinning on disk.
I see from watching source update that the 1.5 release tree, as opposed
to current, has had some fixes checked in for booboos. So, the
question is where do a SUP/CVS/??? to get the 1.5 release source tree
with those fixes?
SUP NetBSD-release is 1.4.4. SUP NetBSD-current is 1.5.1. The tar files
on for NetBSD-1.5 that I can find appear to be from
Anon-CVS appears to only handle -current from the docs I can
find on the web page.
So, how does one sup or CVS the NetBSD-1.5 release source tree with
the recent fixes applied?
Thank you for your time,