Subject: daily CVS update output
To: None <,>
From: NetBSD source update <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/09/2000 08:45:21
Updating src tree:
P src/distrib/macppc/floppies/ramdisk/ramdiskbin.conf
P src/distrib/sets/makeobsolete
P src/distrib/sets/lists/man/md_share
U src/distrib/sets/lists/man/obsolete.md_share
P src/distrib/sets/lists/man/obsolete.mi
P src/distrib/utils/sysinst/defs.h
P src/distrib/utils/sysinst/msg.mi.en
P src/distrib/utils/sysinst/target.c
P src/distrib/utils/sysinst/upgrade.c
P src/share/man/man1/Makefile
cvs server: warning: src/share/man/man1/man1.i386/Makefile is not (any longer) pertinent
cvs server: warning: src/share/man/man1/man1.i386/cursor.1 is not (any longer) pertinent
cvs server: warning: src/share/man/man1/man1.i386/fed.1 is not (any longer) pertinent
cvs server: warning: src/share/man/man1/man1.i386/fontedit.1 is not (any longer) pertinent
cvs server: warning: src/share/man/man1/man1.i386/kcon.1 is not (any longer) pertinent
cvs server: warning: src/share/man/man1/man1.i386/loadfont.1 is not (any longer) pertinent
cvs server: warning: src/share/man/man1/man1.i386/mcon.1 is not (any longer) pertinent
cvs server: warning: src/share/man/man1/man1.i386/scon.1 is not (any longer) pertinent
cvs server: warning: src/share/man/man1/man1.i386/vt220keys.1 is not (any longer) pertinent
cvs server: warning: src/share/man/man1/man1.i386/vttest.1 is not (any longer) pertinent
P src/share/man/man3/Makefile
cvs server: warning: src/share/man/man3/man3.i386/Makefile is not (any longer) pertinent
cvs server: warning: src/share/man/man3/man3.i386/keycap.3 is not (any longer) pertinent
P src/share/man/man4/man4.i386/Makefile
cvs server: warning: src/share/man/man4/man4.i386/pcvt.4 is not (any longer) pertinent
P src/share/man/man5/Makefile
cvs server: warning: src/share/man/man5/man5.i386/Makefile is not (any longer) pertinent
cvs server: warning: src/share/man/man5/man5.i386/keycap.5 is not (any longer) pertinent
cvs server: warning: src/share/man/man8/man8.i386/ispcvt.8 is not (any longer) pertinent
cvs server: warning: src/share/man/man8/man8.i386/kbdio.8 is not (any longer) pertinent
cvs server: warning: src/share/man/man8/man8.i386/vgaio.8 is not (any longer) pertinent
P src/sys/arch/i386/stand/lib/
P src/sys/dev/raidframe/rf_disks.c
P src/sys/dev/raidframe/rf_netbsdkintf.c
P src/sys/dev/usb/ucom.c
P src/usr.bin/crunch/crunchgen/crunchgen.c

Updating pkgsrc tree:
U pkgsrc/Packages.txt
U pkgsrc/editors/emacs/files/patch-sum
U pkgsrc/editors/emacs/patches/patch-aj
U pkgsrc/editors/wordperfect/Makefile
U pkgsrc/games/rollemup/Makefile
U pkgsrc/games/xconq/Makefile
U pkgsrc/games/xconq/files/patch-sum
U pkgsrc/games/xconq/patches/patch-ab
U pkgsrc/games/xconq/patches/patch-ac
U pkgsrc/graphics/fxtv/files/patch-sum
U pkgsrc/graphics/fxtv/patches/patch-ag
U pkgsrc/math/octave/files/patch-sum
U pkgsrc/math/octave/patches/patch-ag
U pkgsrc/mbone/sdr/Makefile
U pkgsrc/mbone/sdr/files/Makefile.netbsd
U pkgsrc/mbone/sdr/files/patch-sum
U pkgsrc/mbone/sdr/patches/patch-ap
U pkgsrc/mbone/sdr/patches/patch-aq
cvs server: warning: pkgsrc/mbone/sdr/scripts/configure is not (any longer) pertinent
U pkgsrc/misc/cksfv/files/patch-sum
U pkgsrc/misc/cksfv/patches/patch-ad
U pkgsrc/misc/dt/Makefile
U pkgsrc/misc/plan/Makefile
U pkgsrc/misc/plan/files/patch-sum
U pkgsrc/misc/plan/patches/patch-aa
U pkgsrc/misc/plan/pkg/PLIST
U pkgsrc/net/ppp-mppe/Makefile
U pkgsrc/print/acroread3/Makefile
U pkgsrc/security/uvscan/Makefile
U pkgsrc/www/apache6/Makefile
U pkgsrc/www/apache6/files/md5
U pkgsrc/www/asWedit/Makefile
U pkgsrc/x11/kdebase/Makefile

Updating doc tree:

Updating xsrc tree:

Killing core files:

Updating tar files:
src/top-level: collecting... replacing... done
src/bin: collecting... replacing... done
src/crypto: collecting... replacing... done
src/dist: collecting... replacing... done
src/distrib: collecting... replacing... done
src/etc: collecting... replacing... done
src/games: collecting... replacing... done
src/gnu: collecting... replacing... done
src/include: collecting... replacing... done
src/lib: collecting... replacing... done
src/libexec: collecting... replacing... done
src/regress: collecting... replacing... done
src/sbin: collecting... replacing... done
src/share: collecting... replacing... done
src/sys: collecting... replacing... done
src/usr.bin: collecting... replacing... done
src/usr.sbin: collecting... replacing... done
src/config: collecting... replacing... done
pkgsrc: collecting... replacing... done
doc: collecting... replacing... done
xsrc/top-level: collecting... replacing... done
xsrc/contrib: collecting... replacing... done
xsrc/xc: collecting... replacing... done

Updating release src tree (netbsd-1-4):

Updating release tar files:
src/top-level: collecting...pax: Unable to access src/ <No such file or directory>
pax: WARNING! These file names were not selected:
 replacing... done
src/bin: collecting... replacing... done
src/crypto: collecting...pax: Unable to access src/crypto <No such file or directory>
pax: WARNING! These file names were not selected:
 replacing... done
src/dist: collecting... replacing... done
src/distrib: collecting... replacing... done
src/etc: collecting... replacing... done
src/games: collecting... replacing... done
src/gnu: collecting... replacing... done
src/include: collecting... replacing... done
src/lib: collecting... replacing... done
src/libexec: collecting... replacing... done
src/regress: collecting... replacing... done
src/sbin: collecting... replacing... done
src/share: collecting... replacing... done
src/sys: collecting... replacing... done
src/usr.bin: collecting... replacing... done
src/usr.sbin: collecting... replacing... done
src/config: collecting... replacing... done

Running the SUP scanner:
SUP Scan for current starting at Sat Sep  9 07:41:05 2000
SUP Scan for current completed at Sat Sep  9 07:45:29 2000
SUP Scan for release starting at Sat Sep  9 07:45:29 2000
SUP Scan for release completed at Sat Sep  9 07:50:24 2000
SUP Scan for mirror starting at Sat Sep  9 07:50:24 2000
SUP Scan for mirror completed at Sat Sep  9 08:24:57 2000
SUP Scan for anoncvs starting at Sat Sep  9 08:24:57 2000
SUP Scan for anoncvs completed at Sat Sep  9 08:29:49 2000

Updating file list:
-rw-rw-r--  1 srcmastr  netbsd  2402676 Sep  9 08:45 ls-lRA.gz