Subject: Re: when will sup get crypto back?
To: None <>
From: John Kohl <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/20/2000 22:40:37
>>>>> "soda-san" == Noriyuki Soda <> writes:

>> I supped a couple of days and lost my crypto set.  I took out the
>> "security" set as mentioned here, and I'm still waiting for crypto to
>> reappear in the sup scans.
>> Do I need to use "-o" flag, or is this going to just show up properly
>> soon, or ... ?

soda-san> Please use "-o" for sup.

soda-san> Unless "-o" (or "old" option in supfile), sup won't transfer files
soda-san> which were changed before last access.

I don't like to use "-o" normally, as it's a performance drain for
little benefit.

But when it's required, I'll use it--I'd just like proper notice that we
SUP users need it.

==John Kohl <>, <>
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