Subject: Re: max int value
To: Peter Seebach <>
From: Fong Siu Lung Gordon <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/16/2000 13:46:22
On Tue, 16 May 2000, Peter Seebach wrote:

> In message <>, Fong
>  Siu Lung Gordon writes:
> >I recently write a problem that needs digits as long as 14.  As I know the
> >INT_MAX only 10 digits.  How can I use digit which have 14 characters
> >long.  Please help.
> This is really not topical.
> 1.  Use "int64_t".
> 2.  You might try "long double".
> 3.  Use a multiprecision math library.
> Until you tell people exactly what properties these numbers need to have, they
> can't help you.

Sorry for not detail describe my problem.  The problem is to calculate the
check digit for barcode which is use as the borrow card number (14 digits
long).  However, my system (i386) only count the first 10 digits only. any
clue. ?  Thanks.


> -s