Subject: Re: mountd won't export /var/mail
To: Todd Vierling <>
From: Greywolf <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/14/2000 15:22:59
On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, Todd Vierling wrote:

# On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, Greywolf wrote:
# : mountd on starwolf complains:
# : mountd[5329]: "/var/mail", line 8: \
# : 	Can't change attributes for /var/mail to
# : 
# : Here's my exports file:
#   [snip]
# And what's your fstab?  (NetBSD's nqnfs has some strange interworkings
# between fstab and exports.)

Here's the relevant bits:

Defender's NFS mounts from /etc/fstab:

starwolf:/usr/share /usr/share nfs rw		0 0
starwolf:/export/X11 /usr/X11 nfs rw		0 0
starwolf:/export/local /usr/local nfs rw		0 0
starwolf:/usr/src /usr/src nfs rw		0 0
starwolf:/holt /holt nfs rw,nosuid	0 0
starwolf:/var/mail /var/mail nfs rw,nosuid	0 0

Starwolf's /etc/fstab (decommented and compressed):

/dev/sd3a / 			ffs 	rw,async 		1	1
/dev/sd3d /var			ffs 	rw,async 		1	2
/dev/sd1a /usr			ffs 	rw,async 		6 2
/dev/sd5f /usr/src 		ffs 	rw,async 		6 3
/dev/sd2h /usr/src/local 	ffs 	rw,async 		1 3
/dev/sd0a /holt 		ffs 	rw,async 		1 3
/dev/sd1h /export 		ffs 	rw,async 		1 3
swap 	  /tmp 			mfs	rw,-s=65536,-f=1024,-b=8192 0	0
/dev/ccd0c /space 		ffs 	rw,async 		6	4
/dev/sd0b -			swap	sw,dp			0	0
/dev/sd3b - 			swap	sw,dp			0	0
/export/.swap -			swap	sw			0	0
/dev/cd0a /hsfs 		cd9660	ro,noauto		0	0
/dev/cd0a /cdrom 		ffs	ro,noauto		0	0
/dev/fd0a /pcfs 		msdos	rw,noauto		0	0
/dev/fd0a /floppy 		ffs	rw,noauto		0	0
proc	/proc			procfs	rw			0	0
kernfs	/kern 			kernfs	rw			0	0

# : I have stopped and started nfsd on the server, nfsiod on the client and
# : mountd on the server several times, and to no avail.  Exporting /var
# : by itself does no good.
# Troubleshooting questions:
# - Does exporting /var *work*?

It appears to.  Mountd does not complain.

# - If /var is a separate partition, does exporting /var -alldirs work?

Yes, but I should not have to do this.  /etc/exports is a control file;
I'd like to have a little more control of what I'm exporting.
# - Does exporting /var/mail as the *first* line of /etc/exports work?

Yes, but then /usr/share, /export/X11 and /export/local don't work.

# - Is /usr/src/local a separate partition as defined by fstab?

Yes.  See above.

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