Subject: Re: crypto-intl
To: Paulo A. P. Pires <>
From: Feico Dillema <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/23/1999 23:09:13
On Tue, Dec 21, 1999 at 01:38:02AM -0200, Paulo A. P. Pires wrote:
> I've used to track NetBSD-current using sup.  Now that crypto-intl is
> available, I'd like to build with crypto from now on, so I'd like to
> knon from what sites I can sup it, and what should be modified in the
> supfile.

You can use anoncvs to to get the crypto-intl from 
our server. See
We don't offer sup access and I don't know of any server that
does at the moment. We may offer some more access methods in the
future, but I cannot promise sup will be among them (more likely
cvsup and rsync).
> If there is anything that should be done to the ``make build'' proce-
> dure, I'd like to know it as well.

Nope, the build process will check whether you have a src/crypto-intl
directory. If so, it will use and build it for you.
> (I tried to get this info out of the web pages, but I couldn't find
> it).

Well, on the news pages there have been some announcements. See e.g.:
