Subject: non-POSIX conforming semctl???
To: None <>
From: John Nemeth <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/02/1999 13:36:25
This just came across the mod_ssl mailing list. Does anybody know
anything about it?
On Nov 2, 11:24am, "Ralf S. Engelschall" wrote:
} Subject: ANNOUNCE: mod_ssl 2.4.7
} Another round to make the stable 2.4 series even more robust and clean:
} [snip]
} Fetch it now from:
} o
} o
} Changes with mod_ssl 2.4.7 (22-Oct-1999 to 02-Nov-1999)
} *) Disabled SysV IPC semaphore based mutex variant for FreeBSD < 3.0 and
} any OpenBSD and NetBSD platforms because of conflicts with their
} non-POSIX conforming semctl(2) prototypes.
}-- End of excerpt from "Ralf S. Engelschall"