Subject: Re: I am new to elf systems
To: Tamer Ziady <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/29/1999 17:36:09
On Sat, Aug 28, 1999 at 06:59:07PM -0400, Tamer Ziady wrote:
> Hello all;
> 	I installed netbsd-current on a sun4m and all seams well; except
> for fvwm2, and windowmaker and a few other apps which complain about there
> is no in fvwm's case and with wmaker. Now I know that the
> netbsd-current uses elf, can someone point me on how to make these binaries
> work under current.  Thanks plenty.

I suspect you installed 1.4 packages, rigth ?
The easiest way would be to recompile these from pkgsrc on your -current

Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI. 