Subject: pkgsrc/comms/mgetty+sendfax receiving faxes?
To: None <>
From: Simon J. Gerraty <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/25/1999 11:37:04
Anyone successfully receiving faxes with this pkg?

I've tried two instances of the same modem with the same result:

08/25 11:19:20 y07  fax_send: 'AT+FDR'
08/25 11:19:20 y07  fax_wait_for(CONNECT)
08/25 11:19:20 y07    got:[0a][0d][0a]+FCFR[0d]
08/25 11:19:20 y07   fax_wait_for: string '+FCFR'
08/25 11:19:20 y07    got:[0a]+FDCS: 0,5,0,2,0,0,0,1[0d]
08/25 11:19:20 y07   fax_wait_for: string '+FDCS: 0,5,0,2,0,0,0,1'
08/25 11:19:20 y07  transmission par.: '+FDCS: 0,5,0,2,0,0,0,1'
08/25 11:19:20 y07    got:[0a][0d][0a]CONNECT[0d]
08/25 11:19:22 y07   fax_wait_for: string 'CONNECT'** found **
08/25 11:19:22 y07   sending DC2
08/25 11:19:22 y07   fax_get_page_data: wait for EOL, got: [0a][ff][ff]
100's more [ff]'s
08/25 11:19:23 y07  fax_get_page_data: receiving /var/spool/fax/incoming/fn7c3447d07.01...
08/25 11:19:41 y07  fax_get_page_data: page end, bytes received: 31770
08/25 11:19:41 y07  fax_wait_for(OK)
08/25 11:19:41 y07    got:[0d][0a]+FPTS: 1,2,0,0[0d]
08/25 11:19:41 y07   fax_wait_for: string '+FPTS: 1,2,0,0'
08/25 11:19:41 y07  page status: +FPTS: 1,2,0,0
08/25 11:19:41 y07   2 lines received, 0 lines bad, 0 bytes lost
08/25 11:19:41 y07    got:[0a][0d][0a]+FET: 2[0d]
08/25 11:19:42 y07   fax_wait_for: string '+FET: 2'
08/25 11:19:42 y07    got:[0a]OK[0d]
08/25 11:19:42 y07   fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
08/25 11:19:42 y07  Page doesn't look good, request retrain (MPS)
08/25 11:19:42 y07  fax_send: 'AT+FPS=2'
08/25 11:19:42 y07  fax_wait_for(OK)
08/25 11:19:42 y07    got:[0a][0d][0a]+FHNG: 136[0d]
08/25 11:19:42 y07   fax_wait_for: string '+FHNG: 136'
08/25 11:19:42 y07  connection hangup: '+FHNG: 136'
08/25 11:19:42 y07   (unknown +FHNG error code)

the only difference b/w the two modems is that the 1st one logs garbage
other than [ff]'s while waiting for the [00]

Both modems can send faxes ok BTW.

Perhaps interesting is the fact that the tty ports being used are
locked in turbo mode, so one has to ask for 2400 to get 19200 which
may be screwing with buffering in the kernel.   Mind you, our PPP link
runs on such a port with no apparent grief.  I'll try plugging the
modem into a normal tty port tonight.

I'm hunting around for other modems to try but would like to hear
if anyone (esp anyone in Australia) has this working.
