Subject: Re: Max filesystem size
To: Dave McGuire <>
From: Douglas S. Meade <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/23/1999 23:00:16

It's best if the entire partition is below that threshhold.
You may get it to work if you luck out, with a larger partition,
but then install a new kernel, it gets put farther out on the 
disk, and it doesn't boot. 

Just put some small partitions on that 18 Gb disk!


On Fri, 23 Jul 1999, Dave McGuire wrote:

> On Fri, 23 Jul 1999, Jonathan Stone wrote:
> >Yep. But if you also want to boot off these disks, you better create
> >a root partition that's within the first 1.2gig, so that the PROM
> >routines can read the kernel off the disk. 
> >
> >If you are sure you dont want to boot off your 9gig or 18gig drive,
> >then you can happily newfs the 'c' partition.
>   Must the *entire* partition be within the first 1.2gb, or does it just need
> to start below that limit?
>              -Dave McGuire