Subject: Re: vnode changes & 1.4E
To: None <>
From: Aaron J. Grier <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/07/1999 20:24:34
On Wed, Jul 07, 1999 at 08:08:59PM -0700, Bill Studenmund wrote:

> Right now the only filesystems which are unchanged are unionfs and nfs.
> nfs does no locking right now, and adding it would be a big mess.

How big of a mess?

> We need to, but I don't have time.

No kidding... even linux does NFS locking nowadays.  ;)

The only reason I haven't shifted my mail spool over to my NetBSD/pmax
machine is that I'm paranoid about locking.

  Aaron J. Grier  | "Not your ordinary poofy goof." |
   "I really admire your perverse mastery of the SPARC branch delay slot,
      Dave.  Or is it your mastery of the perverse branch delay slot?"
	          -- Joe Martin to Dave S. Miller on linux-kernel