Subject: Re: pciide lossage on 1.4_ALPHA with CDU76E cd-rom
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/14/1999 10:26:09
On Apr 13, Jonathan Stone wrote
> hi Manuel,
> Remember back around early February, the ATAPI code stopped finding
> the CD-ROMs in the Endeavour motherboards around here?  Well, the
> April 6 1.4_ALPHA (i386 binary snapshot) does the same thing.

I don't remember and I didn't find traces of this in the CVS logs ...

> I dont' know what you keep changing to stop these devices
> being recognized, but I wish it'd stop happening :)

Mee too :)

> Here's a dmesg output from a 1.3H kernel which *does* find the
> devices...

Could you boot a 1.4 kernel with wdcdebug_mask and wdcdebug_atapi_masl
set to 0x10 and send me the dmesg ?

Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI. 