Subject: Re: BSD == NIH
To: None <>
From: Christoph Badura <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/19/1999 17:57:40 (Greg A. Woods) writes:
>As for "wide differences in implementations", well, what do you expect?
>UNIX International didn't last long enough to do anything much more than
>get the initial porting base out the door, and they certainly didn't
>have the resources to ensure that every licensed vendor folded back onto
>one common source base.

Uh, there wasn't a common source base in-house at UI/USL.  And they
didn't even take back bug fixes.

Christoph Badura

	Anything that can be done in O(N) can be done in O(N^2).
	-- Ralf Schuettau (after looking at a particular piece of code)