Subject: Re: Changing root's shell to /bin/sh
To: The Grey Wolf <>
From: Greg Hudson <ghudson@MIT.EDU>
List: current-users
Date: 03/16/1999 13:53:14 wrote (in reference to Greg Woods, I think):
> Greg, if you want System V, go use it.

And Thor wrote:
> It's Net *BSD*.  If you want System V, you know where to find it.

Why do people find this such an attractive piece of rhetoric?  Do
people think the default root shell and the init shell prompt are
really the significant differences between BSD and System V?  No one's
arguing that root's shell should be /bin/sh because that's how System
V did it.

On another note, Perry and Thor had this bit of non-communication:
>> toor typically had no password.
> Um, you should really check your facts before you go spewing
> nonsense like this.

When you see someone saying something "obviously wrong" like this,
stop a second and try to figure out if they might have just said it
ambiguously.  Perry obviously meant "there typically exists no
password will let you log in as toor," not, "toor typically had an
empty second field in the passwd file."

Unless your goal in life is to get in the most flames.