Subject: Re: BSD == NIH
To: Jay Maynard <>
From: Greg Hudson <ghudson@MIT.EDU>
List: current-users
Date: 03/16/1999 12:06:08
I'm rather surprised to see so many people depending the abortion that
is csh.  I guess people really like !! and ^foo^bar or something.

I will note that it seems relatively stone-age to not have
command-line editing enabled by default when you log in as root on
your shiny new NetBSD machine.  Linux certainly doesn't have this
limitation.  I'm not sure what is the best way to go about changing
this.  libedit support in csh is a necessary first step if we're going
to stay with csh; then it's a choice between making editing the shell
default (I can hear the screams) or enabling command-line editing in
root's dotfiles.

A piece of background, in case some people don't know, is that /bin/sh
has libedit support already, though not by default.  You have to know
an incantation like "set -o emacs" to turn it on.