Subject: Re: Problems compiling current (includes)
To: None <>
From: Christoph Badura <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/05/1999 17:20:43 (Eric Delcamp) writes:

>I have lots of problems compiling current from 1.3 sources.

The easiest way will be to install a -current snapshot and upgrade from

>I have made a sup, then try to do a "make build". But lots of includes files
>are missing (they are in /usr/src/* but not copied in /usr/include).
>OK, maybe something wrong with sup. So I try "sup -o", but with no succes.
>If I delete /usr/include, then do a "make beforeinstall && make includes",
>they are lots files missing (/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/includes/* -> /usr/i386,
>the link for machine -> i386 and stdarg.h).

Did you update /usr/share/mk/*?

Christoph Badura

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