Subject: Re: RAIDFrame problems
To: None <>
From: Paul Newhouse <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/23/1999 01:03:38
Greg Oster <> writes:

>Paul Newhouse writes:
>> Platform i386
>What vintage of -current? (i.e. based on sources of what date?)

The kernel is current as of 22 Jan 99.  RAIDFrame as of 13 Nov 98.

>Hmm... How big are the components?  

3 6.4GB Maxtor UDMA IDE

>Is this error repeatable?  (just searching for more clues...)


>> Am I doing something obviously wrong?
>Nope.  (I just tried the above command on my test box, and it completed just 
>fine... so this could be a bit entertaining to track down :-/ )

We retuned the config to:

   START array
   1 3 0
   START disks
   START layout
   # sectPerSU SUsPerParityUnit SUsPerReconUnit RAID_level
   8 1 1 5
   START queue
   fifo 16

and it works rather well.  I think the disklabels are wrong, we're getting:

   WARNING: raid0: total sector size in disklabel (25314660) != the size of raid (25314528)
   WARNING: raid0: end of partition `c' exceeds the size of raid (25314528)
   WARNING: raid0: end of partition `d' exceeds the size of raid (25314528)
   WARNING: raid0: total sector size in disklabel (25314660) != the size of raid (25314528)
   WARNING: raid0: end of partition `c' exceeds the size of raid (25314528)
   WARNING: raid0: end of partition `d' exceeds the size of raid (25314528)

with the bad config and no errors with the good config.  I don't understand this

The individual disklabels look like:

   4 partitions:
   #        size   offset     fstype   [fsize bsize   cpg]
   a:      945        0     unused        0     0         # (Cyl.    0 -0)
   b: 12657330      945     4.2BSD      512  4096     0   # (Cyl.    1 -13394)
   c: 12658275        0     unused        0     0         # (Cyl.    0 -13394)
   d: 12658275        0     unused        0     0         # (Cyl.    0 -13394)

The raid label looks like:

   4 partitions:
   #        size   offset     fstype   [fsize bsize   cpg]
   a:     1890        0     unused        0     0         # (Cyl.    0 - 0)
   b: 25310880     1890     4.2BSD      512  4096     8   # (Cyl.    1 -13392)
   c: 25314660        0     unused        0     0         # (Cyl.    0 -13392)
   d: 25314660        0     unused        0     0         # (Cyl.    0 -13302)

There must be some geometery thing we're misunderstanding?
