Subject: labelfs
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: current-users
Date: 11/07/1998 12:09:36
I finally sat down and started to implement a labelfs, such as was
discussed here a couple of weeks ago.

I've run into some problems.  One of them seems serious enough hat I'd
like to bounce it off the list.

That one relates to the character/block device split.  Everything is
looking workable, except for providing raw devices corresponding to the
block devices provided by the labelfs mount.  The problem is, how do I
find the character device corresponding to the underlying block device?
Without that, I can't see how to provide raw devices.

I looked at what the ccd driver does.  It appears to layer everything
on top of the block devices, which it seems to me will not give proper
semantics for raw-device access to the ccd pseudo-disk.  I must be
missing something here....

Thoughts, anyone?

					der Mouse

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