Subject: Re: weird changer device
To: None <>
From: Chris Jones <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/23/1998 13:50:35
>>>>> "MJ" == Matthew Jacob <> writes:

MJ> There's often a tradeoff whether a changer expects block
MJ> descriptors disabled or not. I seem to recall in a brief review of
MJ> the chio code (which I can't do at present as I'm shutting my
MJ> systems down prior to a two week trip) that the ch driver didn't
MJ> try both. Look at st.c for an example.

I can't find any such thing in the st driver, but I *did* find two
lines in the ch driver that claim to disable block descriptors;
they're in the ch_get_params function, which is first called from
chattach.  I commented out those two lines, and I still got the same
behavior.  :(  Assuming I made the correct mods, the problem looks
more complicated than that.


Chris Jones                                
           Mad scientist at large          
"Is this going to be a stand-up programming session, sir, or another bug hunt?"