Subject: Re: current "src" building problems
To: None <>
From: Paul M. Newhouse <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/05/1998 17:47:33
Todd Verling wrote:

>On Sat, 5 Sep 1998, Paul M. Newhouse wrote:
>: DUH!! That was to obvious, HUH?  I noticed that the line was
>:   CFLAGS+= -Werror ${CWARNFLAGS}
>: I assume that the flags are additive?  That is:
>:   CFLAGS+= -Werror -Wno-error
>: is equivalent to:
>:   CFLAGS = -Wno-error
>Not quite.  Some Makefiles used in build add to CFLAGS, which is why
>CWARNFLAGS was added for this purpose.  You shouldn't touch CFLAGS in

Sorry, I was incredibly unclear.  Are the flags additive in cc, i.e. - are 
they toggling the same switch?  The way I stated it, it sounded like I meant 
did make keep the flags straight.

And I meant can I put CWARNFLAGS=-Wno-error in /etc/mk.conf.

I guess I can't watch the Fox Business Report, play grab-ass with my wife 
AND keep a coherent thought going in a mailing list response, age takes 
its toll.
