Subject: questions with route
To: None <>
From: nm <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/26/1998 07:22:14
I run 1.3.2 on a DEC Alpha

I have both a de0 and a de1.
on the de0 side q.r.s.27 is a host
on the de1 side the rest of the q.r.s class c sits.

My question is should the following work?

root@anomoly:~$ ifconfig de0 q.r.s.202
root@anomoly:~$ route add -host q.r.s.27 q.r.s.202
add host q.r.s.27: gateway q.r.s.202
root@anomoly:~$ ping q.r.s.27
PING q.r.s.27 (q.r.s.27): 48 data bytes
----q.r.s.27 PING Statistics----
4 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

Should I ping be working or not?
Did I screw up the route?
