Subject: Re: ypbind -broadcast/ypserv broken
To: Brian C. Grayson <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/14/1998 15:25:25
On Fri, 14 Aug 1998, Brian C. Grayson wrote:

>   I've tracked my FreeBSD ypbind problems down some more:  NetBSD
> ypserv is not responding to broadcast requests generated via
> ypbind -broadcast.  To isolate it to be a NetBSD problem, I
> removed /var/yp/binding on a NetBSD client, and then tried to
> use ypbind -broadcast.  From tcpdump, I can see the broadcasts
> from the NetBSD client running ypbind -broadcast to
>, but it never receives any replies from the NetBSD
> server.
>   So, can anyone tell me why NetBSD's ypserv is not noticing
> broadcast requests?  Or at least not handling them?
> /var/yp/ypserv.log contains nothing besides ``log opened''. 
> I'm currently 15 miles away from the server, and other people
> need it up right now, otherwise I'd recompile ypserv with DEBUG.

What does your /var/yp/securenet file say? It looks like the server will
only allow connections from nets noted in that file if that file exists.
If that file doesn't exist, it will "allow all". If that file is present
but empty, I don't think anything will be allowed. :-(

Take care,
