Subject: Re: Please make it stop..
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Timothy J Luoma <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/11/1998 12:50:28
	Author:        <tooleym@Douglas.BC.CA>
	Original-Date: Thu, 11 Jun 98 8:58:56 PDT
	Message-ID:    <9806111558.AA29186@Douglas.BC.CA>

> Guys! Can we do *any*thing about this at the mailing list?

Sure, require that only subscribers can post to the list.

Spammers are lazy.  They aren't going to bother subscribing, confirming, and  
then spamming....especially because they have to do it from a legit address.

No list I am on which requires this ever gets spam.

Every list (no matter how small) I am on which doesn't require this does get spam.

Very simple.