Subject: daily CVS update output
To: None <,,,>
From: NetBSD source update <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/28/1998 06:07:27
Updating src tree:
U src/bin/cat/cat.c
U src/distrib/notes/amiga/contents
U src/distrib/notes/i386/contents
U src/distrib/notes/pc532/contents
U src/distrib/notes/sparc/contents
U src/distrib/notes/x68k/contents
U src/share/man/man9/bus_space.9
U src/share/mk/
U src/share/mk/
U src/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/prom.c
U src/sys/arch/arm32/include/podule.h
U src/sys/arch/arm32/podulebus/if_ie.c
U src/sys/arch/pc532/fpu/ieee_handler.c
U src/sys/arch/pmax/conf/builtin.3max
U src/sys/arch/powerpc/include/db_machdep.h
U src/sys/arch/powerpc/powerpc/db_disasm.c
U src/sys/arch/powerpc/powerpc/db_interface.c
U src/sys/arch/powerpc/powerpc/db_memrw.c
U src/sys/arch/powerpc/powerpc/db_trace.c
U src/sys/arch/powerpc/powerpc/setjmp.S
U src/sys/arch/sparc/dev/cgtwo.c
U src/sys/arch/sparc/sparc/autoconf.c
U src/sys/arch/sparc/sparc/trap.c
U src/sys/arch/vax/vax/pmap.c
U src/sys/dev/eisa/ahb.c
U src/sys/dev/ic/bha.c
U src/sys/dev/ic/dp8390.c
U src/sys/dev/ic/uha.c
U src/sys/dev/isa/wdc_isa.c
U src/sys/dev/isa/wds.c
U src/sys/dev/microcode/isp/asm_pci.h
U src/sys/dev/ofw/ofnet.c
U src/sys/dev/ofw/ofw_subr.c
U src/sys/dev/ofw/openfirm.h
U src/sys/dev/pci/if_fxp.c
U src/sys/dev/pci/if_fxpreg.h
U src/sys/dev/pci/if_fxpvar.h
U src/sys/dev/pci/ncr.c
U src/sys/kern/subr_log.c
U src/sys/lib/libkern/libkern.h
U src/sys/net/if.c
U src/sys/netccitt/if_x25subr.c
U src/sys/netccitt/pk_usrreq.c
U src/sys/netinet/ip_input.c
U src/sys/netiso/clnp_input.c
U src/sys/netiso/if_eon.c
U src/sys/netiso/iso.h
U src/sys/netiso/iso_pcb.c
U src/usr.bin/head/head.c

Updating pkgsrc tree:
U pkgsrc/archivers/Makefile
U pkgsrc/graphics/ImageMagick/Makefile
U pkgsrc/graphics/ImageMagick/files/md5
U pkgsrc/graphics/ImageMagick/patches/patch-aa
U pkgsrc/graphics/ImageMagick/patches/patch-ab
U pkgsrc/graphics/ImageMagick/patches/patch-ac
U pkgsrc/graphics/ImageMagick/pkg/DESCR
U pkgsrc/graphics/ImageMagick/pkg/PLIST
U pkgsrc/lang/Makefile
U pkgsrc/lang/expect/Makefile
U pkgsrc/lang/expect/files/md5
U pkgsrc/lang/expect/patches/patch-aa
U pkgsrc/lang/expect/patches/patch-ab
U pkgsrc/lang/expect/patches/patch-ac
U pkgsrc/lang/expect/pkg/COMMENT
U pkgsrc/lang/expect/pkg/DESCR
U pkgsrc/lang/expect/pkg/PLIST
U pkgsrc/lang/kaffe/Makefile
U pkgsrc/lang/kaffe/files/
U pkgsrc/lang/kaffe/files/md5
U pkgsrc/lang/kaffe/patches/patch-aa
U pkgsrc/lang/kaffe/patches/patch-ab
U pkgsrc/lang/kaffe/pkg/COMMENT
U pkgsrc/lang/kaffe/pkg/DESCR
U pkgsrc/lang/kaffe/pkg/PLIST
U pkgsrc/misc/colorls/Makefile
U pkgsrc/net/ttcp/patches/patch-ab

Updating doc and othersrc trees:

Updating xsrc tree:

Killing core files:

Updating the SUP server configuration files:
install ===> current
install ===> current/list
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 allsrc /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/allsrc
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 bmake /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/bmake
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 doc /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/doc
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 games /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/games
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 gnu /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/gnu
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 include /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/include
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 ksrc /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/ksrc
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 ksrc-alpha /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/ksrc-alpha
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 ksrc-amiga /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/ksrc-amiga
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 ksrc-arm32 /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/ksrc-arm32
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 ksrc-atari /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/ksrc-atari
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 ksrc-bebox /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/ksrc-bebox
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 ksrc-common /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/ksrc-common
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 ksrc-hp300 /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/ksrc-hp300
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 ksrc-i386 /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/ksrc-i386
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 ksrc-mac68k /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/ksrc-mac68k
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 ksrc-mvme68k /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/ksrc-mvme68k
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 ksrc-pc532 /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/ksrc-pc532
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 ksrc-pica /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/ksrc-pica
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 ksrc-pmax /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/ksrc-pmax
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 ksrc-powerpc /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/ksrc-powerpc
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 ksrc-sparc /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/ksrc-sparc
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 ksrc-sun3 /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/ksrc-sun3
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 ksrc-sun3x /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/ksrc-sun3x
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 ksrc-vax /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/ksrc-vax
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 ksrc-x68k /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/ksrc-x68k
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 othersrc /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/othersrc
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 pkgsrc /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/pkgsrc
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 regress /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/regress
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 security /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/security
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 src /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/src
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 xsrc /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/xsrc
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 tar_files /ftp/pub/sup/current/list/tar_files
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 releases /ftp/pub/sup/current/releases
install ===> mirror
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 list /ftp/pub/sup/mirror/list
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 list.export /ftp/pub/sup/mirror/list.export
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 releases /ftp/pub/sup/mirror/releases
install -c -o srcmastr -g netbsd  -m 644 README /ftp/pub/sup/README

Running the SUP scanner:
SUP Scan for current starting at Wed Jan 28 05:38:43 1998
SUP Scan for current completed at Wed Jan 28 05:45:23 1998
SUP Scan for mirror starting at Wed Jan 28 05:45:23 1998
SUP Scan for mirror completed at Wed Jan 28 05:59:47 1998

Updating file list:
-rw-rw-r--  1 srcmastr  netbsd  491928 Jan 28 06:07 ls-lRA.gz