Subject: keyboard lockup with NetBSD-1.3_ALPHA/i386
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Giles Lean <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/09/1997 17:27:40

I think I saw this mentioned on the list, but I just had my keyboard
die on me while running under X (XFree86 3.3.1, S3 server).

	pc: timeout updating leds

Unplugging and re-plugging the keyboard woke it up.

I don't know if the resolution of this is that it is a keyboard
driver problem or an XFree86 problem.

NetBSD topaz 1.3_ALPHA NetBSD 1.3_ALPHA (GENERIC) #0: Mon Nov  3 10:37:43 EST 1997 i386
