Subject: Re: kern12G on HP Vectra XP/60
To: Andrew S. Clapp <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/05/1997 13:38:44
On Fri, 5 Sep 1997, Andrew S. Clapp wrote:

>  > Turn the serial ports back on - the AMD2100 is probably the problem.
> Hmmmm.  I have turned all the goodies back on now.
> It seems to be accepting everything now.  Except the AMD2100.
> It does dump me into sigle user mode though.  :-)  But vi chokes.
> ex/vi: Error: unknown: No such file or directory

I think this error's from your terminal type not being known. Or that you
can't write to /tmp (makes sense for a r/o file system)

> I'm also not aware of what these devices are; tun0, tun1, and eon0.

tun0 & tun1 are tunnel interfaces. Basically a user process sits on the
other side and routes packets somewhere.

eon0 is an ISO-over-IP tunnel.

Take care,
