Subject: Re: copyright questions
To: Chris G. Demetriou <>
From: Scott Ellis <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/13/1997 11:52:04
On Fri, Jun 13, 1997 at 11:19:54AM -0700, Chris G. Demetriou wrote:
> Really, (a) NetBSD should be maintaining a public list of contributors
> (i.e. people who've donated code) to the project, (b) doing what it

Last time I checked, "donating" something didn't mean "doing something
in hopes of getting famous for it".  Yes, the NetBSD project should
strive to give credit to everyone who contributes, but there should
be an understanding by those who do contribute that they are doing so
for the betterment of the project, not themselves.  As you pointed out in
the rest of this message, the NetBSD group is a group of volunteers.  In
that spirit, one should expect reasonable credit for contribution
to a greater work.  "Reasonable" should be a balance between the amount
of work devoted by a person to the project, and the amount of time
the NetBSD group has to maintain the list of contributors.

My whole point being..if you want to be 'famous' for doing work on
the NetBSD project, then you should go and create NetCGD, and use
as much of the NetBSD code as you like (with the appropriate credit
given to the NetBSD group, of course).  The alternative would seem
to be that everyone who does anything related to NetBSD gets a 
similar license agreement, and the whole NetBSD project gets sucked under
by a torrent of page long acknowledgements accompanying any
mention of NetBSD.

  //    Scott Ellis     //   //   //
// WARNING: This signature warps  time and space in its vicinity    //