Subject: Re: /bin/sync hangs n thrd_s on -current pmax kernels as of March 14?
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/17/1997 11:14:46
On Mar 17,  1:03am, Jonathan Stone wrote:
> Kernels I built for a NetBSD/pmax snapshot seem to repeatably hang
> processes when I type "sync".  This causes shutdown and reboot to
> fail.  reboot -n, however, works.  This happened for kernels built
> from march 14/15 source.  It didn't happen for kernels built on march
> 5 from March 4 sup source.
> Has anyone seen anything similar on this or any other platform?  I
> haven't touched any of the pmax kernel in some time. I've also
> upgraded the version of GNU ld I'm using, but pmax kernels are still
> linked with a binutils-2.6 kernel, so I don't see anything
> port-specific thats' changed.  I tend to blame some of the recent VM
> changes, but it's just a guess.

  Hmm - I just upgraded my pmax kernels to sources from March 15 and
haven't seen this problem.  I do have rather extensive changes to the
pmax/mips code, but no current changes to the MI parts of the kernel.

  I am still using rather old compiler tools though.


Michael L. Hitch			INTERNET:
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University	Bozeman, MT	USA