Subject: AFS for NetBSD-current i386?
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: William O Ferry <WOFerry+@CMU.EDU>
List: current-users
Date: 01/22/1997 21:50:32
I've been running NetBSD 1.2 for some time now, and was looking to
get back into the -current branch to see what's new and improved.
However, when I tried booting a 1.2B kernel, my AFS library failed to
load, complaining about a missing symbol "_vop_select_desc". I noticed
that this symbol has disappeared. Is there something I could put in the
kernel to satisfy this call (where can I get more information on this
function)? Does anybody know if there exists an AFS for 1.2B, or even
if somebody's working on it? I sent a few messages to, and didn't get a response to any of them. I'd
appreciate any help or suggestions on how to get a newer AFS, or how to
make the old one happy under 1.2B. =)
Thanks in advance.
Will Ferry
William O Ferry <woferry@CMU.EDU> | finger: woferry@WarpDrive.RES.CMU.EDU
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