Subject: the weirdness continued
To: Current Users <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/20/1997 08:51:17
More details:

When I have a program which uses UNIX domain sockets (creates a socket,
binds it to a name, calls listen()) and then is busy somewhere, not
accept()ing new connections, I can't telnet/rlogin into the system running
the program.  The connections are opened normally, but they hang before I
get to shell.  As soon as the test program calls accept() things return to

When the logins hang, this is what ps laux says:

  0  7487   109   0   2  0    96  412 select S    ??    0:00.05 rlogind
root      7487  0.0  0.6    96  412 ??  S     8:44AM    0:00.05 rlogind
  0  7488  7487   0   2  0    84  392 netio  Ss+  p7    0:00.03 login -p -h meow
root      7488  0.0  0.6    84  392 p7  Ss+   8:44AM    0:00.03 login -p -h meow

netio, huh?

I think this is a dangerous 'feature'.  If any program using sockets blocks
for some reason and no longer calls accept(), you can no longer log onto the

Any comments or solutions?



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