Subject: Re: Removing Empty Directories from a CVS Checkout
To: Jan-Hinrich Fessel <>
From: Curt Sampson <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/06/1996 13:28:30
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On Sun, 6 Oct 1996, Jan-Hinrich Fessel wrote:

> That's fine, but how do i get these empty directories?
> I sup into a local reference tree.
> I do an import into another CVS master tree.
> How can I remove directories and files deleted by sup in the reference tree 
> from the CVS master tree?  
> I did not find any option for cvs import that even tells me that files in the 
> CVS master tree are no longer present in the tree imported.

You'll probably want to go over the section on importing in the
CVS reference manual several times; it's not entirely clear on the
first go. Also, the CVS FAQ, despite no longer being maintained,
has good information on this.

Essentially, it works like this:

1. sup into your local tree, `sup'.

2. Checkout a copy of your last import from the sup tree into

3. Now we figure out which files to delete:

	cd sup/src
	find . -print | sort >/tmp/
	cd checkout/src
	find . -print | egrep -v '/CVS$|/CVS/' | sort >/tmp/tree.old
	comm -23 /tmp/tree.old /tmp/ >/tmp/delete
	xargs rm </tmp/delete
	xargs cvs -q remove </tmp/delete
	cvs -q update -m "new version pre-import"

4. Now you can go into your sup tree and do an import.

I had to read both the documentation and the FAQ a couple of times
and do some practice runs on small trees I'd constructed myself
before I got the hang of this.


Curt Sampson		Info at
Internet Portal Services, Inc.	
Vancouver, BC   (604) 257-9400		De gustibus, aut bene aut nihil.
