Subject: Re: what makes lost+found in NetBSD?
To: None <>
From: David Gilbert <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/08/1995 10:13:43
>>>>> "After" == After 5 PM please slip brain through slot in door <> writes:

After> You are assuming that:

After> 	- minfree is 10% - I meant "full, less minfree".

After> In fact, I meant "full".  As in "uid 0: write failed: No space
After> left on device" full.  As in "You have tromped all over
After> minfree.  Go directly to disk space hell.  Do not asm("jmpa
After> $_start"); do not collect even 200 bytes of disk space" full.

After> As in "You forgot to make /usr big enough" full.  As in "You
After> have forgotten to delete the last five kernels from the root
After> filesystem" full.

	From somewhere back in my conciousness, I seem to remember
that inode space is separate from disk space that holds files in the
filesystem --- and this is a major part of the design of the Berkeley
File System.  So... to be 'full' so that you couldn't create a file,
the filesystem would have had to run out of inodes.  I'm no expert,
but isn't running out of inodes almost unheard of these days?

	When we were all using the last few bytes of disk space, we
used to trim that parameter on newfs to the bone.  I certainly don't
do it anymore.


|David Gilbert, PCI, Richmond Hill, Ontario.  | Two things can only be     |
|Mail:                |  equal if and only if they |
|               |   are precisely opposite.  |