Subject: Re: what makes lost+found in NetBSD?
To: John F. Woods <>
From: Mark Garrett <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/08/1995 08:54:50
> > >In NetBSD, newfs doesn't do it, and I didn't find the script. Ergo, at
> > >present, none of my NetBSD-created filesystems have a lost+found directory.
> > >I do regard this with some concern...
> > It is created on-the-fly by fsck if it decides it needs to put
> > something there.  There is no need to create it before-hand.
> Well, on the other hand, my attitude is, if I thought my filesystem was
> clean enough to make new files in, I wouldn't be running fsck, now would I?
> I would rather just make it once when I know it's safe and get it over with.

	mklost+found is the command to create a lost+found it does nothing 
special, just creates a directory lost+found in the root that has had 8 or so 
files created in in so that fsck can link lost files to this directory with out
allocating block on the file system.

	Mark :)

Mark Garrett email:    Phone: +61 2 561 5255
 Open Systems Consultant                          Disclaimer: I don't speak for
 Digital Equipment Corporation              Digital, I can barely speak for me.