Subject: Re: NetBSD 1.1 Release Plans
To: matthew green <>
From: William Coldwell <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/26/1995 12:15:08
At 01:16 PM 9/26/95 +1000, you wrote:
>   (Incidentally, since it has been a long time since 1.0, I think NetBSD
>   can get away with calling this release 2.0, if we want to keep up on
>   major version numbers with you-know-who ;->)
>i totally disagree.  if anything we should call it 4.5

No way!  It should be called NetBSD95 ;-))
 William J. Coldwell - System Operations Manager - Best Internet Communications
 PGP: finger - - Phone#: 415.964.BEST
 My views probably do not represent those of my employer.  So don't blame them.