Subject: Free Code
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <rvb@IGW.TRUST.CS.CMU.EDU>
List: current-users
Date: 06/08/1995 18:51:38
I have sent a longer version of this announcement to port-i386 and
think that the discussion should be on that list.  I just thought
that some current-users might be interested.

I am making several drivers and features as well as bug fixes
available to the NetBSD i386 community.  I hope people will look at
them and take what is useful.  Hopefully, the changes will make
their way into the NetBSD-current system.  All of the changes build
in the 5/14/95 NetBSD-current.  The goal of my work is to make
NetBSD work well with PC laptops.

Included in the code is:
	a D-Link DE-600 pocket ether driver from Mach 2.5/CODA
	 (note Mach 2.5 was a project at CMU and CODA is an
	  ongoing activity at CMU involved in file systems and
	  laptop research.)
	a PCMCIA WaveLan driver from CODA -- not the Klemets Driver
	an intel pcmcia lan driver using the 82595 chip from CODA

	changes to pccons.c to exchange the capslock and control
	changes to pccons.c to let arrow keys and F1,F2,F3 emulate
	 a mouse.
	a frame buffer device (minor on /dev/mem) for X

	some bug fixes to prevent hardware resets, reallow break points.
	handle suspend/resume for the disk.

	and more ...

All the code is in the project/coda/netbsd directory available
at  (It can be put in incoming if there is a demand.)
The code changes were made against the 5/14/95 NetBSD-current that
Chris Dimetriou kindly released.  (I can update it to a more recent
-current if there are problems.)  In the netbsd/ directory are:
	Index			the obvious
	Announcement-1		This notice
	README-1		annotated changes
	0514-1.tgz		kernel changes and new code
	0514-1.patch.gz		kernel patch file for the changes only
	man-1.tgz		manual pages only
	new-1.tgz		new code only
	src-1.tgz		some interesting user programs and docs.

Finally, I must apologize for one "feature".  To simplify my porting
effort, I just "slipped" the mach 2.5 pcmcia support into NetBSD for
my pcmcia drivers to use.  I would have not taken this approach if
there were a pcmcia driver part of the NetBSD distribution -- there
should be.  Perhaps this pcmcia driver might provide helpful insights
to whichever pcmcia subsystem is finally chosen for NetBSD.  The
pcmcia drivers I have supplied for NetBSD have a rather simple
interface to the pcmcia module and it should be pretty easy to drop
them into any pcmcia subsystem.

I invite discussion about this code either in port-i386 or in
private mail.
					Robert V. Baron