Subject: Re: Read-only root
To: der Mouse <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
From: Markus Illenseer <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/06/1995 08:56:30
der Mouse wrote:
> I've been doing this with the sun3 and sparc ports, but as far as I can
> recall, all the changes are architecture-independent things like
> changes to the /etc/rc* scripts.

 I  would  be  interested.  Are you sure that all what is required is to be
done  in  /etc/*  ?  How would you setup the hostname and other things like
IP-address if you share the /root with several machines? bootp I guess?

 I  thing  you  also need some changes in the kernel, for swap over NFS and

Markus Illenseer