Subject: Re: Questions about features of NetBSD
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Marc Boschma <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/11/1995 14:53:13
>NeXT has this feature, and they are already "quad fat". The same physical
>binaries now run on original NeXT hardware (motorola), 486+ machines,
>HP pa-risc machines, and SUN sparc machines. The main motivation is less
>filesystem duplication in a heterogenous-architecture environment. For a
>large cluster of machines, the extra individual weight more than makes up 
>for itself in terms of admin and fileserving from a single source.

Do their compiler suites support producing the "quad fat" file in one
compulation ?

Marc B.

>James S. MacKinnon           Office: P-139 Avahd-Bhatia Physics Lab
>Department of Physics        Voice : (403) 492-8226
>University of Alberta        email : Jim.MacKinnon@Phys.UAlberta.CA
>Edmonton, Canada T6G 2N5
>        WWW: